Saturday, November 1, 2008

New Hampshire to Hong Kong

We had to get up at 4:30 a.m. to catch the first plane. It was a 50 minute drive to the Manchester Airport, followed by a 2 hour and 33 minute flight to Chicago. My mom and I didn’t sleep on that plane ride. At 2:00 p.m., we went on a 15 hour and 3 minute plane ride from Chicago to Hong Kong.

The fastest we were going was 571 miles an hour. We were over 40,000 feet in the sky and we had to fly 7,781 miles to Hong Kong. When we were over Siberia, it was 76 degrees below zero in the air outside the plane! It was a looooong plane ride! I met a girl from Canada named Sophia. We played Nintendo, Uno, watched snippets of the movies, ate bad airplane food and slept for five hours. When we got to Hong Kong, it was already 5:00 p.m. but using New Hampshire time, it was really 5:00 a.m. Twenty-five hours after leaving home.

At the airport, we traded in our boring United States money for some pretty Hong Kong dollars. We got 7 Hong Kong dollars for one US dollar. The ten dollar bill is purple and bluish. It sometimes has a see-through circle on it. The twenties are blue or tan with different pictures, the fifties are green and hundreds are pink, red and white. In this picture, there are $180 Hong Kong dollars. That’s about $26 in the United States.

Our first meal was homemade “leek dumpling noodles in soup” at the “Lost City of Snacks”. The food was really, really, really good. Today we are leaving for Kunming, Yunnan, China. It’s only a two hour flight, thankfully!

That's it for today!


Unknown said...

Glad you two are there safe and sound! Your noodles look like a welcome relief after hours of bad airplane food! Can't wait to hear more!


Anonymous said...

Yea, glad to see a post!!! Hope you girls are well and having a blast. Looking forward to hearing more. xo

RLM said...

Great to know you that you have made your first leg into China ... and found a great place for some yummy noodles! We bumped into your Dad and Lia at the recycling center today ... they seemed great too.

Keep the details coming ... I'm so happy I figured out how to reply to you.

Happy flying on your next venture!

Cheers from the Mota's!

Shannon said...

I can't wait to follow your journey! Thanks for posting and have a wonderful trip!


Unknown said...

Hmmmm . . . I just got to your wonderful blog, because I was on airplanes this week too --- but I didn't go NEARLY as far as you did. And I didn't have ANY yummy noodles, but I do remember them from my last trip with you.
